Noelle and Jillian Recomend: The Clash London Calling.
London Calling is one of The Clashs best known works. This album offers punk, new wave and even reggae inspirations. Must listen songs from this album are Rudie Can’t Fail, Spanish Bombs, Clampdown and I’m Not Down.

Shilpa recomends: Green Day Nimrod
Green Days Nimrod is a sleeper in the GD catelog. The most popular song from this album is Good Riddance which can be remembered being used at every graduation/moving on ceremony at grade school during the years 2000-2014. That song does not represent this album. Following up where Insomiac left off, it is classic Green Day. Recomended songs are Worry Rock, Uptight, Jinx and Walking Alone.

Barry and Noelle recomend: Fleetwood Mac Rumours
Fleetwood Mac Rumours, is possibly one of the most popular classic rock albums of all time. This album will bring you right back to living in the Seventies. Key songs include Never Going Back Again, Go Your Own Way and The Chain.

Amy reccomends: The Beatles 1
The Beatles 1 is their greatest hits compilation. The album starts from their early days as a band all the way towards Let it Be and the bands breakup. Key songs from 1: We Can Work it Out, Eleanor Rigby, Something and The Long and Winding Road