Lifetime’s : Lifetime (2007)
Lifetime’s self title has been in constatant rotation of one of my favorite albums since the first time I’ve heard it. One of the most underrated melodic hardore records ever, this album is full of fun tunes, good times and songs that will constantly stay in your head after listening to them.
Lifetime started off back in the early 90’s and were one of the powerhouses of the New Brunswick underground scene in New Jersey. The band broke up after their 1997 release Jerseys Best Dancers and left fans wanting more. Their self titled album came out ten years later and was met with positive reviews.
Lifetime were key influences of Fall Out Boy, Saves the Day, Taking Back Sunday and other popular acts of the early 00s emo scene. If you’re a fan of any of those bands this is a must listen.
Key songs of the album: Northbound Breakdown, Haircuts and T-Shirts, All Night Long