• “Here’s a publishing plot twist: One of the book world’s top moneymakers, Janet Evanovich, has switched literary homes.” No worries, there will be more Stephanie Plum in store for readers. [via The Associated Press]
  • MTV shares an opinion on the chosen director for the US film adaptation of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, David Fincher. “Now, as he tackles the U.S. version of one of the most popular books in recent publishing history, Stieg Larsson’s “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo,” we consult two industry-savvy experts on why he is the perfect choice to tackle the project.” [via MTV.com]
  • CNN has Comic-Con in its sights and tackles the question: “What’s the big deal about comic books?” [via CNN.com]
  • The Guardian takes on the Booker prize longlist, citing which authors were shut out, and what trends are present and accounted for in the thirteen that made the cut. [via The Guardian]
  • “The Four Pleasures of a Summer of Books” [via Bookslut]