The Library's
Biography Book Club meets on the third Monday of the month (except July and August) at 6:30 pm on Zoom. New members are always welcome. To register, visit the library's
calendar of events, choose the event, and click on register. A zoom link will be emailed to the registrants the morning of the book club meeting.
Visit the front desk on the first floor for copies of the current book to be discussed.

The Library's
MCBA Book Club meets on the third Friday of the month at 3:30 pm in the Children's Room. This club is for children
ages 8-11. To register, visit the library's
calendar of events, choose the event, and click on register.
Visit the Children's room for a copy of the current book being discussed.

2023 Reading Challenge Book Club will meet on the last Wednesday of every month. A monthly theme will be provided based on the
Massachusetts Center for the Book Reading Challenge, you pick the book, and then we meet to talk about our books and share recommendations.
Find out the month’s theme and register through our
online calendar.