Defining the 20th Century with One Book

If you had to pick one book to be the “definitive book of the 20th century,” which one would you pick? The Guardian Unlimited held a poll and asked their readers just that. The answer? George Orwell’s 1984. “Paranoia, propaganda and a state of...

“Life after Harry”

Will the end of the Harry Potter series bring about a publishing apocalypse? Several news sources around the world, while not suggesting that, are certainly wondering what publishers will do once the series ends this July. Take this snippet from a recent USA Today...

It’s in the review – or is it?

“The Decline and Fall of the Book Review Section…and What It Means to Publishers” was a recent headline in The Huffington Post. The writer’s summation is that it “certainly ain’t good.” What do you think? Do book review...

Getting a Look at the Book

“Whenever a bookshelf is in a photograph, I just have to identify its titles. It’s giving me a headache.” Read the article here. I have quite the same problem, I must admit. Both the need to identify the titles and getting the headache. And book...