by envisionmg | Sep 27, 2021 | Angelina Reviews, Non-fiction
The Appalachian Trail: A Biography by Philip D’Anieri is a great quick read for anyone wanting to learn more about the people who shaped the beginning of a national landmark from the first idea, to the creation, to the politics involved in protecting it. Each...
by envisionmg | Sep 23, 2021 | Jim Recommends
As you might expect from a librarian I am fascinated by how books are made throughout history and recently I have been reading a lot about how they were produced in the middle ages before the invention of the printing press. This is an off shoot of my last...
by envisionmg | Sep 20, 2021 | Staff Reading
The Massachusetts Book Awards recognize significant works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and children’s/young adult literature published by current Commonwealth residents. As a judge for the 21st Annual Awards, I’ve been tasked with reading all fourteen fiction...
by envisionmg | Sep 20, 2021 | Booklists, Staff Reading
In her September newsletter Deanna Raybourn*, author of the Veronica Speedwell series and the Lady Julia Grey series, shared an intriguing list of books, several of which I plan to read. This, in particular, sounded really interesting: The Woman Before Wallis: Prince...
by envisionmg | Sep 16, 2021 | Staff Review
Who says children’s books are only for children? Rereading books from my childhood with my children has been exciting and eye-opening. Through adult eyes, the nuances jump out at me like newly discovered treasures making for fun and often lively discussions with my...