Danvers State Hospital Images
From Within the Collections of the Danvers
Archival Center
These images are to be used only for study purposes.They may not be used for publication or commercial use. For additional information contact the Danvers Archival Center.
Click to enlarge all illustrations
 1878 engraving of the State Lunatic Hospital |
 Floor plan of the “Kirkbride” building” |
 Glass plate image of the hospital from ca. 1880 |
 Early view of the hospital |
 Hospital trustees and officers |
 The central administration building |
 Postcard images of the hospital |
 Formal gardens |
 The farm complex in 1884 |
 The farm complex in the 1920s |
 Gray Gables |
 View of a hallway |
 Part of Wing A |
 Sunporch |
 Parlor |
 Summer House |
 Kirkbride in the early 20th century |
 Removing the tower in 1970 |
 Male Nurses’ House |
 Service area to the rear of Kirkbride |
 Aerial view in 1991 |
 Reservoir Gate House |
 Wooden stairway |
 Bonner Medical Building |
 Catholic Chapel |
 Artwork by Michael Ramseur |
 Pastel treatment of the Kirkbride roof |
Online beginning September 2013