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Station Eleven NovelStation Eleven is a novel written and published by Emily St. John Mandel in 2014. It’s a story that takes place in the great lakes region before and after a fictional flu pandemic that has killed off most of the population. As a sub-plot the story follows a group of performers as they travel throughout the barren lands and the many obstacles they encounter along the way. No one knew back in 2014 that this book would hit close to home during the COVID pandemic and as no surprise has since earned its spot on many best seller lists.

If you enjoy reading end of the world stories such as On the Road or World War Z then this book is definitely for you.




Station Eleven MiniseriesWhether you’ve read the book or not the Station Eleven miniseries (aired on HBO Max in December 2021) is well worth the watch; at only ten episodes long it will have you drawn in and wanting to binge watch all of the episodes just to follow the characters as they maneuver through a post apocalyptic world. It will take you on a journey with the character’s while skipping back and forth through time; eventually adding up piece by piece as to how their stories came to intertwine together.

This miniseries adaptation is jam packed with emotion, fantastic acting, and an amazing soundtrack.