Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid is about a 1970’s rock band that split at the peak
of its popularity. The reasons for why were a mystery, until a writer starts writing an oral history
of the group and the whole story, the true story, starts to come out.

The entire book is framed as an oral history featuring each character telling their side of the
story. This really enhances the narrative, I think, as it plays around with memory. The same
events are told from multiple perspectives and each perspective adds dimension to the whole
picture. As in real life, each character has their own “take” on what happened. I liked how Reid
wasn’t cohesive with this part of the narrative, as it helps add authenticity to the whole oral
history storytelling device.

This book was fun. It was a fast read, and the story held my attention throughout. The oral
history storytelling device works; I felt I was reading an actual oral history of a 70’s band. I was
able to pick up on the inspiration behind the band (Fleetwood Mac). While I was taking a break
from reading, I listened to some Fleetwood Mac songs, and I think it enhanced the reading